Posted by: taxidrivermom | June 27, 2010

Quick and Easy Food Storage by the Week

If you have read my “Welcome to The Knot in the Rope” post, you know that I teach a short spotlight on food storage and preparedness once a month to a group of ladies.  A while ago, the leaders of the group requested that I print a “food storage by the week” type calendar.  The idea behind it is to have something to remind you to throw a few extra items in your shopping basket each week, and to vary the suggested items with the idea of creating a well-rounded stockpile, rather than going overboard on one or two items.  In my opinion, this doesn’t replace picking up on the case lots, catching the serendipitous coupons or close-outs, or systematically storing basic staples.  It does, however, attempt to take advantage of seasonal specials and is a very easy starting-place for those who have yet to figure out what they need to store.  I thought I would try posting the suggestions we came up with for the next few weeks — please let me know if you find this helpful.

SO . . . this week’s suggested items include: flour or grains, ketchup, mustard, barbeque sauce, and other condiments, plus at least 1 gallon of water.

Feel free to adapt these suggestions any way you wish, and the beauty of this plan is YOU decide how much you want to spend each week and which items your family will actually use.  Also, remember as you throw out a container that you’ve emptied to be sure to put that item on your next week’s shopping list so you are continually replacing your supply!  In other words, if you throw out the ketchup bottle this week, buy TWO — one to replace the one you used, and one to add to storage.

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